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About Here, Let Me

About Here, Let Me

To keep thAbout Me Pictureings simple, my book blurb would read: I’m Jamie. Wife and Mom. Biggest fan of Dad and homemade desserts. Queen wearer of emotions on sleeves. Life and home blog where bright lights/big city meets small town confines. To dig deeper into who I, Jamie Stauffer, am and what Here, Let Me is all about I'll give you more to read.

Why I Created Here, Let Me

When the school year started and I sent BOTH of my kids off to school, as a stay at home mom, I was lost. After two weeks of marathoning Seinfeld, I realized I was going to have to find something better to do with my free time. I'd never had time on my hands quite like this before. One date night, my husband said, "you should start a blog," I nearly fell out of my chair. I mean, he could have suggested I learn a second language, the harp, or take up knitting. Blogging?!?! Surely not writing my personal opinions on a social media platform for everybody and their mother to read.  He didn't have to twist my arm; I was born for blogging!

What You Will Find at Here, Let Me

I knew this was the right time to set forth completing something that had always been on my dream list. Later last year, I received my real estate license and I have a couple of houses that I plan to flip. One of them is in terrible shape and will take a major overhaul, but that is right up my alley! I love houses! I love what makes them unique and how they flow. I love to think about what could be or should be changed in each home I see; what needs a little polish, and what needs a total redo. I am so excited to give myself an excuse to look through people's houses. Not just at night time as I drive by lamp lighted windows. I'm not the only one who does this, right? This little bit of interweb space will be my area for documenting every step of each renovation, providing you with information to help you with the same projects, and decorating and staging tips. As far as staging goes, I'll let you know where I find the furniture and accessories I use. As a self-proclaimed pro at chalk painting, I'll share my FREE Chalk Paint Recipe and eBooks on Chalk Painting. Lastly, I can't wait to post beautiful pictures of my hard work. It's going to be a blast! You won't want to miss a thing!


I know there will be challenges ahead, but that is what makes this so exciting. I'm a small town girl with expensive, big city taste. I love a balance between high end and simplicity. Luxe without the glitter. I'll always choose cozy over fancy. I'm interested to see what becomes of my masterpieces. I'm curious what personality will be created in each space, what style the houses will take on, and if it will be something that others will want to recreate in their own home.

Who is the Author of Here, Let Me

IMG_2055My name is Jamie Stauffer. I'm a 30 something wife and mom. My husband and I have been married almost 10 years and this is the best year yet (we've worked really hard to get here)! I'm fascinated by the 50's housewife and aspire to be the wife who greets him with a warm meal and a kiss at the end of a workday. He works hard for our family and he deserves to be treated kindly. We have two kids, plus one that had to leave us too soon. With both kids in school, we are finally out of the terrible toddler stage and loving this new season of life. We live small town life smack dab in the middle of the map.I'm the oldest of four siblings and, as the oldest, I tend to be a little bossy. That's why the blog name, Here, Let Me (let me do it) fits me to a tee. If you'd like to know more, contact me here or subscribe below and keep in the loop!

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