Let Me Tell You Who I Am

I think the trend is technically “Introduction Friday” if you’re an Instagrammer, but here it is on Thursday and I’m doing my introduction ahead of the game. Who’s gonna stop me? I know that I have made new friends via social media that may not know who I am and I thought it would be right and proper to introduce myself.

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  • I’m Jamie. Writer at Here, Let Me; a place where I have documented our home renovations and my chalk painting adventures and random DIY projects.

  • I am a wife and girlfriend to my husband and I am very set on traditional marriage values. Together we should have three kids, but we have two that we are blessed to raise. They drive us completely crazy, but we wouldn’t trade them for anything.

  • I added Tidy + STYLE to my blog recently and hope that I branch out from home renovator and blogger to Home Stager and Professional Organizer.

  • I consider myself a bit of a minimalist, but I know true minimalism followers probably wouldn’t agree. I have found my life is soo much less complicated once I thoroughly reduced my “stuff” but, I still like to be comfy. I have a passion for this and I believe everyone’s level of reducing looks different (and may not be anywhere close to mine).

  • 70’s music speaks to my soul. When I listen to my favorites (The Eagles and Bob Seger if anyone’s asking), I’m immediately time warped to the mid-1970’s; dancing on orange linoleum kitchen floors in faded bell bottoms and my worries of the present are miles away.

  • I have little time for nonsense conflicts. I live my life for my little entourage and very little will steer me off my path to raising my children and loving my husband in “the ways that we do us.’’ Ain’t nobody in this household got time for that.

  • I grew up with a grandma that spoiled her whole family with hand-made-from-scratch sweets like chocolate pie, sheet cakes, and sugar cookies and now I simply cannot indulge myself in something that comes from a box. Simply cannot. No judgement to Little Debbie I just have higher standards.

  • I am terrified of roller coasters and the few times I’ve convinced myself to get on one, I am almost certain I will die of heart attack before it’s over.

  • My first celebrity crush was Steven Tyler. Steven Tyler in the video Cryin’. Not Steven Tyler of today.

  • I’m a carbon copy of my dad. From his looks to his disposition. I don’t think there is one thing we would disagree on (tell that to my teenage self). I’m also his biggest fan.

  • I’m fascinated by etiquette. Downton Abbey speaks my language. Give me a glass of sherry and I’ll tell you the way the world should be.

  • I have never broken a bone, but as a child I had a mouthful of cavities, so that’s kind of the same.

  • I’m a sucker for stupid humor. The Coen Brothers stole my heart with Raising Arizona and John Hughes warms my soul with Planes, Trains, and Automobiles and Christmas Vacation.

  • When I was four, I hid from my parents and fell asleep. Police were called. Search parties were sent out. I was under my bed sawing logs the whole time.

  • I really listen to people and remember their stories, but for the life of me I can’t remember what I did yesterday or follow through with a phone call or text that I keep meaning to make to a sibling.

  • I love to eat, preferably accompanied by friends and wine, but I’m overcome with anxiety at the thought of hosting a dinner party and cooking in front of someone else.

  • We love to travel with our kids and we’ve been a lot of places together. We are taking our first international trip with them in the spring and I’m beside myself with concern that they will tear my face off by the time the 9 hour trip is over. If you have advice for this, I’m all ears.

  • I’ve worked hard to tame my genetic scrappiness, but it still comes out when others are rude. Don’t you dare cut in line or if I hold the door for you and you walk through without so much of a nod of thank you, I will address your foul human choices. I can’t help it. It’s in my DNA.

So that’s me in a nutshell. It was actually a little tough to come up with so many random facts about myself, but there you have it. Are we similar in anyway? How do we differ? Tell me about yourself. I’m dying to know.